Some Easy And Cost-Effective Ways To Keep Your Customer Or Donor Database Up To Date!
As a marketer, no doubt your customer or donor database is one of the most important resources in your business and we all know how useful it is in marketing activities. Any enquiry that you received today could become a major customer or donor in the future. It is therefore vital to correctly input the data and ensure the information is regularly updated. Unfortunately, we are seeing rapid deterioration of customer or donor databases due to the fast pace of today’s society as people change address more regularly than before, change jobs, email address and their names more than normal. As a result, failing to maintain accuracy of your database can cost you money and customers or donors. A well-maintained database on the other hand will not only help keep your business communications appropriate, valuable and timely, but will also help you foster customer or donor relationships on an on-going basis. To help you keep your customer or donor database content u...